
Journal of Language and Law

About us

Journal Title Journal of Language and Law
Language English and Indonesian
Frequency 2 issues per year
E ISSN In Progress
P ISSN In Progress
Editor-in-chief Dr. Fahmy Lukman, M.Hum.
Publisher Asosiasi Linguistik Hukum Indonesia (ALHI)
URL https://jurnal.alhi.or.id/index.php/jll/index

Journal of Language and Law (JLL) is a scientific media for publishing research results, literature review studies, short communications, and book reviews. JLL provides a scholarly forum for research on the mutual interdependence of language and law, ranging from theoretical approaches to functional problems.

JLL is a double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal that promotes an interdisciplinary approach that integrates academic areas of (a) legal-linguistics, (b) forensic linguistics, (c) theory of the law and legal language, (d) legal translation, (e) critical discourse analysis, (f) discourse analysis, (g) systemic functional linguistics, (h) presenting research articles related to legal issues, comments, and opinions on legal cases, and serving as a practical resource for lawyers, judges, legislators, applied linguists, and those academics who teach the future legal and linguistics generations.

JLL is published by Asosiasi Linguistik Hukum Indonesia (ALHI). JLL opens twice a year: June and December.